WRV VB Spring 2025 Skate Camp (5 Day)
Regular price
$ 169.00
By purchasing any WRV Skate Camp the purchaser agrees to the WRV Release and Waiver of Liability* (see below, please read carefully before purchase)
All of the WRV 2025 Spring 5 Day Skate Camps will be held at 9:00am-1:00pm, at the WRV VB Skate Park: 1900 Cypress Ave, Virginia Beach VA 23451
WRV Skate Camp is an experience. It introduces skateboard drills & exercises to ramp and park etiquette. Our team of experienced instructors provide lessons that are fun & informative, assuring that campers receive optimal supervision and instruction while they try course features like the mini ramp, the fly box, and flat land. Skateboarding safety & focus strengthening are class goals. Camps meet at WRV Virginia Beach.
The WRV Skate Camp will meet from 9am-1pm across the street from WRV Virginia Beach where the mini-ramps are located. The instructors will introduce beginner campers to skateboarding basics and ramp/park etiquette. Multiple instructors will allow campers to try many different aspects of skating including the mini-ramps, the fun box, and flatland.
What to bring: Helmet is required, Skateboard, Sunscreen, Drinks (Water will be provided), Pads (highly recommended; campers will learn how to effectively use safety equipment through safety demonstration)
Participant must wear his/her helmet at all times!
Campers are expected to act respectfully at all times when they are on our property or participating in our programs. Campers are to conduct themselves in a mature, responsible way and respect the rights of others. If campers do not follow these guidelines, staff will redirect the camper to more appropriate behavior. If inappropriate behavior continues, as a final action step the camper may be dismissed from camp.
*WRV Release and Waiver of Liability:
The purchaser of this camp hereby acknowledges that participation in the camp and related activities involved in inherent risk of physical injury, and the purchaser, on behalf of the registrant, hereby assumes all such risk and does hereby release and forever discharge the camp and all employees and agents thereof from any and all known liability of whatever kind of nature, arising from and by reason of any and all known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseen body and personal injuries, damage to property, and the consequences thereof, resulting from the registrant's participation in or involvement with this camp, including any failure of equipment or defect in the premises. Any photographs taken at the camp are subject to be used in the brochure in future years and can possibly be used for advertising the camp. I hereby state that I am the legal guardian of said child.
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